The bright yellow color of this card always puts me in mind of the solar plexus chakra, and here we find it blocked. The energy of Leo is like a strong-willed child arguing with its father, Saturn who is putting on the brakes. We want what we want when we want it, and when we are told otherwise, difficulties and strife arise. Here the energy has stopped flowing, as we dig in our heels to hold our position. This card points out the characteristic of being blind to opportunity for seeing only one way to satisfy our desires.
from the original website:
5 of Wands, Strife.
"patience is a virtue, but she won't always wait...dissention is/as attention, is, what we learn to hate. I cannot help but agree with the fourth int., Impatience triggers endless thoughts of wishful thinking, or, if you will, self-fulfilling prophecies...thinking is a germ, the product of a dis-eased, neurotic mind, and it should be thrown into the dustbin(which thought, quid pro quo, is, in itself, quite untrue...). contemplation, will-and lo! there is no more wants...the result might be that the mind ceaseth creaking I, and will commence to justify its amends, and screameth:"EYE"...et sic transit gloria misericordiae...love, light and liberty to all sentient beings, and, in particular, to those who read this(or whose optical nerve transmits the glorified illusion of perception in utero ... ..... ...) Wim, canis lupus."
"The situation in life you are now facing is extremely harsh and difficult......strife. Part of life is understanding that there is duality in everyday perception. Good and Bad are necessary for balance. It is hard to get through, but Victory is coming (6 of Wands), so you must let GO NOW. Flow, follow it through and all will balance out...if you let it. Pleasure can never be experience without it's twin Pain."
"Leo and Saturn....A situation or confrontation which set limitations to a situation in life. The serpents a tired in the card just as is the players in the reading who most likely exerted themselves in a energetic confrontation which has now burned out to a stagnant restricted freedom from the cause"
"This card represents the Karmic state of being utterly out of sync and at odds with Divine Will. To persist along this course is utter folly, doomed to the worst failure. It is the ultimate statement of rebellion of our ego. Divine rebuke is implied here. We are dealing with the seed of all conflict and strife."
Walter Weizenauer
"Don't deny your greed, you can find and extract a part of your Will from it. Go!"
"Saturn in Leo.
Impatience. In 5 months you'll have what you want, but must learn first.
Holding back. Something must be done first before moving forward. Until you learn you cannot be put in position of leadership.
Holding back of emotions."
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